
Breads are an essential staple in our house. It’s very nice and very welcome when bread can be made at home and eaten fresh and warm.

The following recipes give step-by-step instructions with details, descriptions and any advice I may have because I want these breads to come out as successful and delicious for you as they do for me and my family.



These are my family recipes. All these dishes, desserts, cookies and breads have been an integral part of our family life. Food not only brings us nourishment, but also sentimentality and memory.

Many of these recipes are quick and easy. Some are more challenging and time consuming. But all of them are do-able. I have tried to simplify as much as possible, but did not want to skimp on detail and description because I so understand the frustration of not knowing if everything is going the way it’s supposed to go – especially if preparing something new and unfamiliar.

As I always say, my recipes are less about what is traditional or trendy and more about what my family enjoys. I hope you enjoy them as much as we do!

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For an in-depth look into Filipino cuisine: